Women Entrepreneurs in Education :
India is a dynamic place in the global education industry. The country has more than 1.4 million schools with over 227 million students. There is a sizable number of children who are at an age where they can enrol in a preschool. It increases the demand for preschools and people who can run them efficiently. Playschool franchises come to your aid in taking the first steps in this domain. Women have risen above all the obstacles and inhibitions and successfully participated to head business franchises in India. The well-established prowess of women in this sector, combined with the ability to nurture, develop, and protect the young, makes women the ideal choice in the field of playschool franchises. Some of the attributes that make women suitable participants for this field are-
Good decision-makers :
Women are said to handle multiple things and have strong decision-making abilities. Their creative thinking, patience, and persistence make them good leaders. These qualities are attributed to the success of the playschool franchises. Therefore, women entrepreneurs have better chances to succeed in this area.
Bond with children :
The most vital factor needed for this business is love and care for children. Women are blessed with motherly instincts and nurture. These qualities make them the apt choice for this venture. They develop an emotional bonding with children, essential to gain their trust. Women do not require extra effort to run this business smoothly and effectively. Wholesome work-life balance The educational sector allows women entrepreneurs to balance both work and life. It demands dedication and time, and so does the personal sphere of life. Playschool franchises have limited working hours. It leaves them with ample time to spend with their family and attend to their private life.
No stress and pressure :
Running a preschool business is a positive experience. When you work around children, you feel joy and contentment. There is no room for work-related stress and pressure. When you deal with little ones, even the challenges feel rewarding. This makes this business a worthwhile option for women.
Respect in the society :
The running of playschool franchises is a noble and prestigious profession. Social responsibility and reputation in the market are essential for any entrepreneur. By opening a preschool, you contribute to the welfare of society. Becoming a part of the children's formative years, you help them to prepare for the world. Women have soft skills and social intelligence. This makes it a lucrative option to partner with business franchises in India.
Ideal for the newcomers :
A preschool venture is an option suitable for first-time business owners. The women entrepreneurs who do not have prior experience can carry out this proposition effectively. No specific qualifications or technical knowledge is needed for playschool franchises. The playschool franchise you partner with provides a structured guideline on how to run the preschool. It includes the requirement for the infrastructure and the curriculum. It makes venturing into uncharted territories easier for you.
How To Start A Playschool Franchise :
You can contribute to the field by starting a preschool of your own by partnering with playschool franchises. These are some of the initial steps that will help you start a preschool franchise:
Choose the best among the playschool franchises after research
Get the required registrations & licenses
Loan for starting preschool
Choose the right location and infrastructure
Follow the playschool franchises’ guidelines
Have a good marketing plan for a wider reach of the preschool
Many playschool franchises exist in India. With proper research, you can invest in them and become an entrepreneur. The DRS Kids model caters to factors like budget, parents' paying capacity, and geographical area, like metro, urban, and developing towns. The support and guidance to start a preschool across all models remain the same. At DRS Kids, a one-stop solution is offered to make setting up a preschool easier.
Ms. Nikita Tudu