
How to open a Preschool in India
Are you looking to open a preschool in India? Well, you have come to the right place. Here in this blog, we will tell you all you need to know about opening a preschool in India. We shall explain the criteria, the legal, financial, physical, and all other types of requirements. At the outset, it is important to tell those reading this blog that opening a pre-school in India is a long process and one that requires you to have

Women as Edupreneurs
A report by Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship (GAME) and Facebook on women entrepreneurship in urban India, states that India might have around nine lakh new women entrepreneurs by 2025 in the food and education sectors combined. One of the convenient ways to enter this domain can be through business franchises in India.

Tips for Developing Skills in Pre-Schoolers
The first time a child navigates a space away from their parents is during their time at a preschool. During their time in preschool, they interact with children of their age group, learn and play under the supervision of skilled teachers. Preschool will help your child develop academically, socially, and emotionally.

Tips to Choose the Best Preschool Near You
With the fast-paced nature of time, children grow up before they even realize it. The parents then get busy with providing nurturance for their development. The process starts with finding a good preschool for them.

Learning Activities for Preschoolers
Be it Science, English or whichever subject activities are a fun way to learn. With children always looking for fun, acquainting them with activities is not a task. There is so much that the children get to learn and explore through these activities.

Why is Preschool Important
Early childhood is the starting phase of development in everyone's life. During this phase, growth should be healthy and must consist of social, physical and cognitive development. It should also influence the physical and mental health of the child rightly.

How to do a Preschool Business Plan
Preschool business is undoubtedly one of the most efficient business options that exist. However, no matter what the business be, there needs to be a plan in place.

Early Childhood Education in 21st Century
The 21st century is a platform witnessing the best of a lot of aspects. We can confidently say that Early Childhood Education is one of those. ECE has come a long way since its introduction. It has changed from simple classroom learning to experiential learning.

7 Benefits of Virtual Learning and Preschooling
The education sector has evolved enormously since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. It has affected every aspect of teaching and learning. Adjusting to the new normal has not been easy for educators, learners and parents.

How to find a Good Preschool
Finding a good preschool for children is essential. A lot of times, parents are not sure of which factors to consider while selecting a preschool. It requires a lot of planning and is not a decision to be taken overnight.

Benefits of Early Childhood Education
The formal or informal education received by children since birth to the age of six is known as Early Childhood Education (ECE). Children undergo major developmental changes in terms of social, emotional, critical cognitive and physical skills.

Why is Physical Activity Important for Child Development
Physical activity and child development have an impactful connection. There are evident developmental differences between children who engage in physical activity and children who don’t. Physical activity stands way beyond the limits of being a leisure time activity.

Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Activities for preschoolers promote participation and academic involvement in a fun way. They are meant to engage children and make productive use of their time. Activities can even be selected based on the child’s zone of interest.